Lamborghini Huracan Already Sold 3,000 Units

Lamborghini Huracan is the successor of the Lamborghini Gallardo. Equipped with modern technologies and have an attractive appearance, it is not a difficult thing to captivate the public ‘s attention.
Quoted from page Leftlanenews, Thursday(10/16/2014) in just 10 months, Lamborghini Huracan already booked as much as 3,000 units. More than 1,000 units have been delivered to the customers in the United States (US).
” In America, we are working with our dealer partners to implement the strategy from a new perspective. As a result, we get an unexpected success, ” said Chief Operating Officer of Lamborghini, Alessandro Farmeschi.
This time, the sales increased 50 percent compared to 2013. This shows an increase in 3 years in a row.Previously, the Lamborghini Aventador has always been a mainstay in the market. But now Lamborghini Huracan is more stout in demand.
Although as many as 3,000 units already reserved,until the end of 2014, Lamborghini Huracan targeted to sell 3,600 units.
2014 Lamborghini Huracan Photo Gallery :
2015 Lamborghini Huracan Photo Gallery :