American Curl Cat : Type, Personality and Pictures

American curl cat has a different ear shapes with cats in general, American curl cat has curly ears. More unique again from American curl cats are those born with ears like cats in general, but their ears will start to curl at the age of 3-5 days. This cat is a cat that is mutated naturally, not the result of cross breeding with other cats. This purebred cat is derived from the United States.
Type the American Curl Cat Race
American curl cat race has grown only weighs 3-5 pounds or about 1.3 kg – 2.2 kg, due to the light weight, the cat is classified as a small cat species. Despite its small size this cat still looks elegant. American Curl cat races there are long haired and short haired, but both have the same uniqueness that is the same as having curly ears. American Curl cat race has a smooth fur, especially on the longhair types will look beautiful on the tail.
In terms of health, in general, American curl cat race does not have a serious health problem, but it should be noted on the ears, need regular maintenance to clean his ears. Curly-shaped ears and slightly open at risk of infection, when if rarely cleaned.
Characteristics and Personality
American curl cat race fits into a pet cat because it has a fun character, love to play, like all people, including the type of cat that is friendly to humans and easily adaptable. Besides in Europe and America, in Asia also have started a lot of people who have American Curl cats. But the price of this type of cat is still relatively high when compared with the type of Persian cat who is very popular in Asia.