What is Private Cloud Computing?

Private Cloud Illustration Images
Private Cloud Illustration Images. Image Via: online-cloud-services.com

Private Cloud is a cloud-computing services are provided to meet the internal needs of the organization / company. Typically, IT departments will act as Service Providers and other departments will be the user. As a Service Provider of course the IT department should be responsible so that the service can run properly in accordance with the service quality standards that have been determined by the company, good infrastructure, platform or existing applications.

Private Cloud Illustration Images

Private Cloud Illustration Images. Image Via: online-cloud-services.com

Examples of services:

SaaS: Web Application internal, Sharepoint, Internal Mail Server, Database Server for internal purposes.
PaaS: Operating System + Web Server + Framework + Database provided to internal affairs
IaaS: Virtual Machine that can be requested in accordance with the internal needs


  1. Data security is assured, as administered alone
  2. Save Internet bandwidth when the service was only accessible from the internal network
  3. The business process is not dependent on an internet connection, but it still depends on the local internet connection (intranet).


  1. Large investment, because we have to prepare the entire infrastructure.
  2. It takes manpower to maintain and ensure the service is running properly.
    Private Cloud Architecture

    Private Cloud Architecture. Image Via: Microsoft

    Private Cloud Diagram Pictures

    Private Cloud Diagram Pictures. Image Via: americanis.net

    Private Cloud Vmware

    Private Cloud Vmware. Image Via: sparkmycloud.com

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