Christmas Tree Decorations Ideas and Tips To Decorate It
Christmas is getting closer and as tradition often do is decorate the Christmas tree. As if Christmas joy is not complete without the presence of a Christmas tree, so a lot of ways by people who celebrate Christmas to decorate their Christmas tree so beautiful and attractive.
Here are 5 tips to decorate the Christmas tree that you can try:
1. Determine the theme of Christmas Trees
Determination of the theme can refer to any color you want to use on your Christmas tree. For example, a purple color theme, then you can easily buy trinkets suitable for decorating the Christmas tree. Adjust also the dominant color on a Christmas tree with your home decorations, so the Christmas tree decoration will be harmonious with the home decor.
2. Choosing the Right Tree
Usually people choose between using the native spruce trees (can be replaced with palm) or fake spruce tree made of plastic. If you use native trees, make sure the leaves of the trees still fresh and fit inside your home.
3. Install the appropriate ornament
To install hanging ornaments (ex: balls, hangers angel or Santa Claus) mounted on the upper end of the branch, to add depth and make your Christmas tree look more attractive.
4. Choosing Christmas Lights
The addition of decorative lighting is also important to make a Christmas tree becomes more beautiful. The more decorative lights can create the impression of “festive” on your Christmas tree. The lights can be placed in the tree and on the outside around the tree.
5. Add Other Accessories
Besides ornaments around the branches of a Christmas tree, you can also put an ornament of artificial gifts or even real gifts around the tree trunk. Ancient tradition usually uses cotton smeared around the tree to tree limbs to add snow effect.
Well, if it was ready to decorate Christmas trees to enliven and brighten up your Christmas?
Below are some Christmas tree decorations ideas: