Christmas Cactus: The Beautiful Without Thorns

Cactus plants are identical to thorns and deserts. What if this type of plant can not even grow with the high intensity of the sun? What if the cactus bar was bare? There are plants that do have a distinctive shape, the flowers are charming, make anyone will be stunned and fascinated by its beauty.
Not unexpectedly that the plant goes into the cactus plant family. From the shape and characteristics of the plant, there is not a glimpse of the characteristics and the shadow of the cactus tree at all.
Christmas cactus, that’s the name of the plant. While in Latin named “Schlumbergera Russelliana”. This plant is known as the Christmas Cactus because this type of cactus in addition to having charming flowers, stunning colors, also flowering a lot with a size large enough flowers. This is what makes people attracted to this cactus until often made it a gift at Christmas.
Flattened Flat
At first glance, the stem of the Christmas Cactus is more like a leaf than a tree trunk. The trunk is flat-shaped like a sheet and is green. While the type of trunk is the same as the cactus in general. It has a succulent stalk, which contains stems and can store plenty of water.
This is how cactus survives and adapts to its environment. This water reserve is used during the dry season, so they can still adapt in this time of the season. While during the rainy season, the stems of the Christmas cactus will look enlarged or fattening. This is because the rod is filled with water.
Christmas cactus plants have a rather hard stem and no leaves. In life, this type of cactus lives in a colony until the original habitat looks like a bush. In addition, this cactus has a different figure than the cactus in general. There is no thorn in the trunk at all so it is suitable and safe to put in the house.
Bright Colors
All kinds of Christmas cactus flowers blooming at each end of the trunk. The colors are bright and mesmerizing, an attraction and also the center of attention of this plant. There are 5 types of warns options that can be enjoyed. Starting from pink, dark red, purple, white, and peach. This is what distinguishes the types of Christmas cactus from each other. Because if from the shape of the stem of the plant, all can be said to be similar.
The Christmas cactus flowers do not recognize the flowering season. During its life, this plant is always flowering. This is the attraction of the Christmas cactus when compared with other plants. The beauty of the flowers can be enjoyed at any time and every time. No need to wait long.
Need Light, Not Sunlight
This Christmas cactus lives in an area of tropical rain forest, not in the desert where the environment is hot and barren. This Christmas cactus likes light, but not sunlight. Therefore, this cactus can not be planted in areas which exposed to direct sun heat because it can cause the Christmas cactus to wither and even die.
In its original habitat, this type of cactus lives epiphytic, riding on tree trunks or other plants. The soil in a wet tropical rain forest area is not suitable for life. In conditions too wet, cactus rods will quickly rot. However, today the Christmas cactus can be cultivated and planted in soil media, but the soil is not very moist.
We recommend this type of cactus is placed on the porch of the house, under the roof of the fiber, in a room near the window so that the sun is still very well received. Christmas cactus can also be a hanging pot plant. The shape of the stems are sheets and flowers are always blooming into its own charm.
Practical and No hassle
The Christmas cactus is a type of plant that does not require special care. Not fussy and also not susceptible to pests. Simply do the fertilization to stimulate the growth and also to multiply the flower.
For watering, do not need to be done every day, so save water. This Christmas cactus likes the planting media that is not too wet and not too dry. If it gets too wet, the cactus rods will decay easily.
How to plant a cactus natal also not bother, just planted directly, and can grow directly. Naturally, this type of cactus multiplies with the seeds that these plants produce. The process of planting is easy, just plant the seeds in the soil and the seed will grow. But breeding by seeding method is considered slow and too long. People prefer to reproduce with cutting system. Simply cut the stems, and plant in new pots or on the ground. This method is quick and practical value to breed this cactus plant.