41 Best Abstract Paintings in the World
The abstract painting refers to a form that is not realistic or natural, which does not show such a form that we recognize as objects, or something that we see in everyday reality. Abstract painting is a form of imagination that is processed by the artist in the search for the essence of the object. So the form of the shape of the object can be unique. But the form of abstract painting itself is not known to us whether we encounter in the real world.
One characteristic of abstract art is a form we never recognize. Abstract form is not associated with any form that we’ve seen, but if we observe, it would look like something. Colors and shapes as well as other additives in abstract painting are the subject of the painting to look more unique. In the making, abstract painting is quite sensitive to the composition and use more color watercolor. The following are examples of 100 best abstract paintings in the world we need to know.
Abstract Painting Romantic Dance. Artist : Unknown
Abstract Painting. Artist : Unknown
Abstract Painting Ideas. Artist : Leonid Afremov
Abstract Painting Nature. Artist : Peggy Davis
Abstract Painting Flower Nature. Artist : Agatha Hutton
Abstract Painting The Residence. Artist : Unknown
Abstract Painting The Tree. Artist : Unknown
3D Abstract Nature Painting. Artist :
Abstract Painting
Abstract Painting The Forest
Abstract Nature Painting The Animals
Nature Abstract Painting
Abstract Painting The Dark
Abstract Art Painting The Peoples and Nature
Abstract Art Paintings
Abstract Art Painting Couple in Nature
Abstract Art Paintings Walk Alone in Autumn
Imaginative Abstract Painting
Art Abstract Painting
The City Abstract Painting
Abstract Painting Pictures
Abstract Painting Close Up Flower
Abstract Painting Music
Abstract Painting People Face and Eyes
Abstract People Face Painting. Credit : Natiq Jalil
Abstract Painting Couple People Kiss
Abstract Painting People Community
Abstract Painting of Peoples in Club
Abstract Painting Girl Face
Abstract Painting Fluid Acrylic
Abstract Painting The Futuristic People
Abstract Painting People Horse Racing
Abstract Art Painting People at The Village
Abstract Art Painting Half Girl Face
Abstract Art Painting People and The Tree
Full Color Abstract Art Painting
The Women Abstract Art Painting
Abstract Art Painting Still Alive
Abstract Art Painting Sad Faces
Abstract Painting Canvas of Horse Head
Modern Abstract Painting Canvas of Bird
Hello. My name is Natiq Jalil. I am the artist for one of the paintings posted above; the one you entitled “Abstract People Face Painting”. I am flattered that you included my work in your list – it is quite the compliment to be included in such great company.
I would, however, suggest that you get the artists’ permission before using their work in a post, or at least informing us. If you cannot get in touch with an artist, at least give the artist credit by listing the actual title of the piece and the artist’s name. This is minimum. I would have gladly given permission to be included in this post. I would have even posted it on my website and various social media. I won’t ask you to take this post down. I just hope that you’ll take my advice in the future. Quite often, a Google Image Search will give you the information you need on a particular piece of work. The name of the piece is “When All is Said and Done”, btw. Thank you for your time.
Oh yes sir .. we are sorry for this impudence.
Thank you for visiting our website, we have included your name (Natiq Jalil) on the picture and give links that point to http://artofnatiq.com/. You can check it again, if there were less willing we are ready to fix it.
After seeing your work in artofnatiq.com, I think you are a very great artist.
Can we be friends? Do you use facebook? I’ll add you into my friend list.
Thanks 🙂
wait a minute ..
MY name is Natiq Jalil and I painted THAT ..
“2 guys say they’re Jesus, 1 of them must be wrong” .. Mark Knoefler
I am delighted to have seen the best abstract painting in the world. Though only in pictures but I feel like I am watching over those arts in person.
The artwork that you’ve labeled “Abstract Art Nature” is beautiful. I would love to know who the artist is. I can make out the first name as Peggy but can not make out the second name. It’s very sad that you’ve not given proper credit for any of these artist’s work. Natiq was very eloquent and polite when gently reminding you that what’ve you’ve done is not only unethical but rude. You’ve had a year to give these artist’s the credit they deserve and you haven’t. Very disappointing.
Hello Sir,
Thanks for your suggestions and criticism.
I’ve been giving credit link to the image you are looking for and some other pictures.
And I’m trying to find another artist for a few pictures that I have not known who the maker.
The 50 Greatest Paintings in the History of Art : 10 – 1
Boy Bitten by a Lizard c.1594
Deposition from the Cross c.1525
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus c. 1558
Les grandes baigneuses, c 1900
Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 c. 1920
The Annunciation painted between 1430-1432
The Birth of Venus c.1486
The Garden of Earthly Delights c.1500
The Last Judgement c. 1505
The Tower of Babel c. 1563
The 10 greatest works of art ever – Best paintings
The 10 greatest works of art ever
From mysterious 30,000-year-old cave paintings to a ‘cathedral of the mind’ by Jackson Pollock, art critic Jonathan Jones names his favourite artworks of all time – and where in the world you can see them. What would make your top 10?
Beautiful and inspiring pieces!
Great work on finding them
who painted the one 19th from the top “art abstract painting