Valentines Dinner Ideas with 5 Lovingly Dishes

One of the preparation you need to do ahead of Valentine’s Day is the preparation of the dishes, especially for Valentines dinner. Of course, a dinner at this special moment want to leave a remarkable impression for you and your lover.
Now, therefore, I will help you to solve the deadlock in the search for a dinner menu that will serve on the eve of Valentine. Whatever the dinner will you serve, but you have to prepare some of the five list of foods that are always identified with the symbol of ‘love’ for your Valentines dinner into a romantic evening and unforgettable:

Valentines Dinner Ideas Pictures
1. Asparagus
These plants are grasses that have been analyzed since the 17th century. In the 19th century, many writings explain that the asparagus commonly eaten by the bride and groom before their first wedding night. In addition, asparagus proved to contain many elements, such as vitamins (A, C, B6), folic acid and some other things that increase the production of histamine that can enhance romantic feelings to yourself and your lover.
2. Chocolate
You may not believe how long the chocolate has been the re – explained that chocolate comes from the year 1100 BC and it is said that the Aztecs were first made in the form of drinks. The chocolate at this time is different, whether it’s better or worse, but the chocolate is still causing the same reaction to people. Chocolate affects the brain neurotransmitter that affects the feeling, so we always feel the vibrations of romance and raises mood ‘happy’ when eating it. Chocolate is always used as gifts for loved ones and to be prepared to prevent incidents that can make bad mood when dating.
3. Oyster
Full proven that oysters contain zinc which can create “progesterone” and “testosterone” in the body, so that the positive effect on your feelings and ultimately make you want to always be on a date with your beloved.
4. Strawberry
Many ways to eat strawberries; ranging from where and with what is dependent of one’s choice. There is no perfect partner for strawberries, but most often eaten with cream, compared with champagne, chocolates and even vodka. Besides chocolate, strawberries are another alternative to prepare for Valentines dinner.
5. Honey
Honey is also often mentioned in the holy scriptures as well as by doctors “first” that is, Hippocrates, making honey as a prescription treatment of health problems. But apart from that, why is there the term “honeymoon”? There is a long tradition, the groom and the bride had to drink honey every night of their marriage until their first new moon. On the other hand, the science shows that honey contains a lot of vitamin B and some acids that increase stamina.
And here are some other ideas for Valentines dinner:

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