Siberian Husky Dog : Temperament, Training, Pictures and Video

Siberian Husky dog is a sled dog that has a strong and solid body. Siberian Husky dogs have oval eyes with blue, brown, yellow or a combination of these colors. And can also colored of half brown and half blue (parti-eyed) or one eye is blue and the other eye is brown (bi-eyed). The color of the nose depends on the color of their furs, which are black if the fur is gray, tan (brown) or black and red heart in copper-colored hair, and a bright red nose on white fur. Siberian Husky dog has a triangle-shaped ears, located above the head.
The big feet have fur between the thumb to keep them warm and for gripping on ice. The dewclaws are sometimes removed. Thick hair with medium length can survive at temperatures of -58 degrees s / d -76 degrees F or -50 s / d -60 degrees C. The face and lower body is usually white and the rest of the other furs have a wide range of colors. The general color is black and white, red and white, brown, gray and white, silver, gray wolves, sable and white, peacock-orange with black tips, dark gray and white. Piebald coat color is a very common pattern of a Siberian Husky dog.
Temperament :
Siberian Husky dog is a loving dog, gentle, pleasant, cheerful, docile, and eager. Dogs that are good with children and friendly with strangers, Husky not watchdogs, they are just like a small barking and loves everyone. Siberian Husky dogs are very smart and easily trained, but they will only obey a command if they see the man who had firmness stronger than themselves. If the owner does not show the attitude of leadership, then they will not see the sense of complying with regulations.
Exercise always requires patience, consistency and an understanding of the character of a Pole like Siberian Husky Dogs. If you are not 100% indicates the attitude of a Pack Leader, then the dog will take advantage and be stubborn and mischievous. This race likes to howl and gets bored easily. Lonely Husky or do not get adequate of mental and physical exercise can be very destructive. Remember that the Husky is a sled dog puller that is embedded in the heart and soul. This race likes to roam and can be a good friend.
Height, weight :
Height: Males 21-23.5 inches (53-60 cm), females 20-22 inches (51-56 cm).
Weight: Males 45-60 pounds (20.5-27 kg), Females 35-50 pounds (16-22.5 kg)
Health Issues :
Prone to hip dysplasia, Ectopy, eye problems such as cataracts in the teenage years, PRA (primarily in male dogs), Corneal Dystrophy and Crystalline Corneal opacities. And also tend skin disease known as zinc responsive dermatitis, which increased from zinc supplementation.
Housing Condition :
Siberian Husky dogs are very active indoors. Because fur is denser then the dog likes the cold climate. To maintain the Siberian Husky dog must pay attention to the cleanliness of the air in their homes and they would rather live in a herd.
Physical Training :
Siberian Husky dogs require considerable practice includes daily walking or jogging, but it should not be done excessively in hot weather. They need a large yard with a high fence, but you should also put the wire on the bottom of the fence because the dog likes to dig in the ground to find their way out and go hunting.
Age :
Approximately 12-15 years old.
Grooming / dog care :
Siberian Husky Dog Fur experiencing great loss as much as 2 times a year. During that time, need to be combed every day.
History :
Siberian Husky dogs used for centuries by the Chukchi tribes of the North Siberian peninsula to pull the sled, reindeer herding and as a guard dog. Siberian Husky dog is a working dog that is perfect for the harsh conditions of the Siberian peoples, which has a very strong character, able to integrate in a small herd and able to work for long hours. Siberian Husky dogs have a strong stamina.
Siberian Husky dog comes from Siberia brought to Alaska by fur traders in Malamute for arctic races because of their great speed. In 1908 the people of Alaska make the Siberian Husky as a betting game, where the musher brings their dogs to play racing as far as 408 miles. Siberian Husky dogs became popular in 1925 when there was a fever, diphtheria in Nome City, Alaska. These dogs are used to bring drugs for people who are sick. In the early to mid-1900s Admiral Byrd brings Husky on his journey to Antarctica. During World War 2, the Siberian Husky is used to help the army and rescue units. Siberian Husky dogs have a lot of talent such as: sled pull, haul and race. Siberian Husky dog was first introduced by the AKC in 1930.
Group :
Northern, AKC Working
Siberian Husky Wallpaper :
Siberian Husky Puppies
Siberian Husky Dogs Pictures
Brown Siberian Husky Dog
White Siberian Husky Dog
Siberian Husky Dog Video by Joseph Lan Gavino :