Savannah Cat Characteristics, Prices and Pictures

Savannah Cat is famous cat with an exotic appearance. They are high cat with large ears and a long body. Savannah cat has a skin pattern similar to leopard. Savannah cat is one kind of hybrid cats. This cat is a cat that has a high social level, similar to the Bengal cat. With good health care, they can live up to 20 years.
Savannah is a cat that has a high intelligence, high curiosity, happy note, and always be aware of your surroundings. Additionally, Savannah cat is also very friendly, kind, happy, sociable, easily trained, obedient, not aggressive (but not too shy), and very loyal to their owners, such as a dog’s loyalty. Savannah is also very pleased to learn how to open doors, cabinets, and other objects.
Savannah is also famous for the high jump, which can be as high as 2.5 meters. In addition, this cat is not afraid of water, with the same characteristics of the race Bengal cat. At a certain moment, when feeling very happy, savannah cat will try wagging tail. Savannah was also able to hiss like a Serval.
The most striking of savannah cats are the signs that make it seem wild and exotic. Savannah cat has a striped brown and black. Savannah also has a thick fur, a larger body than ordinary cats, triangular ears, lithe body and long legs. So this cat looks very elegant.
Cats like mini cheetah is the result of a cross between a domestic cat with an African Serval cat. Therefore, this curious cat called savannah cat. The name “savannah” is derived from the name of the African grasslands (Savanna) are the habitat of wild Serval cat.
The savannah cat breeders claim that this is a pet cat that is very nice and exotic. This condition makes this cat has a different price levels. It was also reported that the savannah cat price can reach $ 35,000. The prices for most types of rare savannah cat. However, there is a Savannah cat breeder stating that the price of this cat depending on how the birth of a generation. Savannah cat of the first cross mean having more genetically similar cats in the wild. The cat can fetch $ 14,000.