Build a Comfortable Powder Room

Although a limited extent and as marginalized, where powder room can not be underestimated. Therefore, the selection and arrangement of the interior design of powder room must be considered carefully and thoroughly, so that guests who use it will feel comfortable.
The powder room is a toilet reserved for guests. Amenities are just toilet, sink, mirror, and there was no shower to take a bath. Build powder room requires high creativity, especially in older homes are often built without a toilet in the basement.
“Residents usually do not allow guests to go upstairs, but also do not want to build another room in the house,” said architect Damien Chaves as quoted from the pages of the Washington Post.
Chavez recalled, her family has an old house built in 1898 in the area of Burke, Virginia. To save space, he built a powder room under the stairs, which was originally used as a storage area. Chaves designing this toilet after he and his wife, Arlene, moved to the historic house, then renovate and expand it.
In order to get more space for the powder room, the rear wall of the original chamber widened so that the sloping ceiling under the stairs to grow taller. Toilet area occupies the bottom of the chamber, where people can sit tasty, while the sink is in the higher part.
Although a small place, even most people have to stoop in order to go, the powder room is comfortable. The room is located between the dining room and kitchen so that guests do not have to walk through the private areas. To make it more comfortable, Chaves always replace equipment with the latest and trendiest models.
As well as this family, most homeowners are adding a powder room in it, do it as part of an overhaul of their homes. Just like renovating a kitchen that can increase the value of homes, new build or remodel a toilet, especially complete with upscale furnishings, also can increase the selling price of housing.
The cost of making powder room is usually dependent on the choice of equipment and finishing design. Architect Christopher Landis of Landis Construction Corp in Washington advised not to build a powder room in the center of the house near the plumbing, to save space and cost of construction.
When the house was running out of land, do not push yourself to make the powder room, so there is more space for designing a kitchen or living room.