Dancing House, The Icon of Prague City, Czech

In accordance with its shape, two adjacent buildings are named “Dancing House“. There are also people who call it “Drunk House” because of its shape which at first glance looks like two drunks were walking bolster each other.
The Dancing House is one of the icons of the city of Prague, Czech. It is on a street corner facing the river. The designer of the building with unique architecture is Frank Gehry and Vlado Milunic, two architects whose names are recognized worldwide. While Gehry is known as the architect who often create iconic buildings with unusual architectural style.
Dancing House designed with deconstructive style, the architectural style most often adopted by Gehry in his works. The curved shape of the building that turned out to be supported 99 pieces of steel panels. At peak standing steel arch structure, named Medusa. Construction of the building took four years, from 1992 until 1996.
Many critics have argued that the presence of the Dancing House did not seem to fit in between the baroque style buildings that are typical of Prague. But the strange architecture of Dancing House is actually making it stand out. Evidenced by the numerous awards obtained in a variety of architectural awards.