BMW R32 Classic Motorcycle, One of The Most Expensive Classic Bike in The World

BMW R32 Classic Motorcycle is one of the classic motorcycles is priced at exorbitant prices. This bike was created when German embargoed by the Treaty of Versailles when the World War I. The agreement essentially banning the production of all types of military equipment. The impact of the Versailles Treaty makes BMW which was originally a fighter aircraft engine manufacturers are forced to produce motorcycles with building the BMW R32 in 1924.
At that time, BMW R32 Classic Bike has been constructed with a three-speed gearbox. Unlike motorcycles that were encountered today, where displacement the gearshift using a foot pedal, the shift transmission system on the BMW R32 using the gearshift lever on the side of the fuel tank.
In the market, the selling price of the BMW R32 is estimated at USD 165,000. BMW’s first motorcycle not only be the best of classic motorcycles, but also the best BMW motorcycle of all time.