Bengal Cat One of The World’s Most Expensive Cat

Currently, the Bengal cat has become one of the most expensive cat in the world, because of the shape and color patterns such as a jungle cat, but the cat is still benign. The Bengal cat is suitable for you who want to keep the cat like a wild cat. Although impressed wild, Bengal cat is a cat that is affectionate, adaptable, very active and always wants to play.
The Bengal cat is a cat that is active and intelligent. One distinctive feature of this cat is a favorite of the water, so it will be easier to bathe. The Bengal cat is a cat type of the result of crossbreeding between a bobcat “Asian Leopard Cat” with a domestic cat. Although the name “Bengal cat”, the cat is not from India, Bengal name itself comes from the scientific name of Forest Cat (Felis bengalensis).
The origin of Bengal cat
There’s A geneticist and breeder cats in California are trying to cross the Asian Leopard Cat with the American Shorthair. The goal is to get the pattern “spotted wild cat” on domestic cats that have the wild pattern. Furthermore, children of female descendants, are married crossed back with his father to produce a Bengal kitten who has a spotted pattern that eventually became known as the Bengal cat race.
In 1973 Dr. Centerwall of California University to continue the program to produce the Asian Leopard Cats that are resistant to disease Feline Leukemia. Then in 1983, this race is registered in the association (TICA). Bengal cat was introduced in France in 1991.
In February 1998, there was a Bengal cat named Cato holds the record as the most expensive cat in the world. Bengal cat named Cato purchased by Cindy Jackson of London at a price of $ 41,435. The most expensive cat record only lasted until 2005.
Characteristics of Bengal cat
A Bengal cat has a rather long body and large, have several variations of color, which is brown-black marbled, spotted brown-black, snow-marbled and snow-spotted. Popular color is brown-black spotted because nearly resembles the appearance of the Asian Leopard Cat. While the colors Brown spotted and brown have had large eyes, almond-shaped blue or green, expressive, just in case. Snow color mostly has blue eyes.
The Bengal cat color pattern is very distinctive, the spotted tabby colored, brown, blackish, with black horizontal lines on the shoulder, has a ring-shaped circle on the tail with a dark tip. Also known classic tabby pattern that looks like a butterfly pattern in the shoulders and oyster pattern on the thighs.
Bengal cat has a big head, but smaller than the body. Its neck is big, long and muscular so it looks balanced with the size of the head. Its eyes were wide and round like almond, green or amber. Bengal cat has a big nose and wide, but the outer nose skin is red with a black stripe. Medium-sized ears and facing forward.
White Bengal Cat
Bengal Cat Mix
Silver Marble Bengal Cat
Orange Bengal Cat
Bengal Cat Wallpaper
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